Neuro Linguistic Programming

(Wang) #1

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Taking Charge of Your Life

In This Chapter

▶ Understanding that you can choose to feel good or bad

▶ Influencing how the world treats you

▶ Placing yourself firmly in the driving seat of your life

▶ Working with your brain to achieve your goals

▶ Discovering the formula for success


emories can be a wonderful gift or a terrible scourge. They can cradle
you softly or bind you in coils of barbed wire; they can propel you
towards your dreams or trap you in the past. With the help of NLP, and by
understanding how you can program your mind, your past doesn’t need to
affect your future negatively.

This chapter is about making you the driver of, and not a passenger in, your
life. So put on your seat belts and prepare to go for a drive!

Taking Control of Your Memory

Your memories are recorded as pictures, sounds, and feelings, and by adjust-
ing the quality of how you see, hear, and experience them, you can enhance
positive memories and take the sting out of negative ones. (Read more about
adjusting the quality of your memories in Chapter 10). You can start off by
flexing your ‘taking-control-of-your-memory’ muscles with the following
simple exercises.

In the first exercise, you find out how to recall and manipulate a positive
memory so that you can feel good, or even better, at will:

  1. Recall a day when you felt really happy.

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