Neuro Linguistic Programming

(Wang) #1

66 Part I: Introducing NLP

need to find a club where I can hire an instructor and a hang-glider. I
need to adjust my availability to make time for my new hobby.’
✓ Have I evidence of achieving this type of goal before?

Peter: ‘Well, I learnt to drive, and boy was that scary, the first time that
police car seemed to drive at me sirens blaring and lights flashing, but I
persevered and am a good driver now.’
✓ What happens if I act as if I have the resources?

Peter: ‘Oh, I can feel myself soaring and I don’t have those butterflies in
my stomach when I look down. I never thought I could leave terra firma
without metal below me. Can’t wait to get soaring!’

Acting as if you have the resources now helps you to recognise and shift any
beliefs that may be holding you back. It also enables you to try the outcome
on for size – you may change your mind at this point. This approach is a great
help because it can save you spending money on equipment that ends up
taking up space in the garage, if you later find that the new hobby isn’t right
for you.

Have I evaluated whether the goal is ecological?
The dictionary defines ecology as a ‘branch of biology dealing with living
organisms’ habits, modes of life, and relations to their surroundings’. In NLP,
when we talk about ecology checks, we’re simply asking questions to make
sure that the outcome fits within all aspects of your life. Ecology checks shine
a strong beam of light on any hidden agenda or secondary gain of which you
may be unaware when setting your outcomes. A secondary gain or positive
by-product is defined as a behaviour that appears to be negative or problem-
causing, when in fact it serves a positive function at some level.

The following questions are the laser-guided system that helps you lock on to
the nub of your desires. As you ask yourself these questions, be aware of any
pictures, sounds, and particularly feelings that your unconscious mind raises.
Be sympathetic to the response you get and adjust your goal accordingly.

✓ What is the real purpose why I want this?
✓ What will I lose or gain if I get it?

✓ What will happen if I get it?
✓ What won’t happen if I get it?

✓ What will happen if I don’t get it?
✓ What won’t happen if I don’t get it?
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