Neuro Linguistic Programming

(Wang) #1

72 Part I: Introducing NLP

Janice was putting all her spare time and passion into researching and writ-
ing a travel guide. At one point, she started to lose motivation and talked
about a relative who belittled her efforts by saying things such as: ‘Don’t
expect any people to buy the book.’

Janice was hurt and stunned and wondered why she was unable to move
through her writing block. Then she realised that she was doing what the
negative relative had wanted, and failed, to do. Janice was following her pas-
sion whereas the relative was deeply envious of her travel adventures.

Unfortunately, you’ll encounter people in the world who operate from a posi-
tion of believing that they have few or no options and project their fears and
lack of confidence on to others. They hate the fact that others are free from
such limitations, and so – remembering the NLP presupposition that ‘there
is no failure, only feedback’ – you can be like Janice and have the courage to
chase your dreams.
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