Neuro Linguistic Programming

(Wang) #1

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Pushing the Communication Buttons


In This Chapter
▶ Discovering the NLP communication model
▶ Taking total responsibility for any interaction
▶ Understanding how others communicate
▶ Communicating effectively
▶ Disengaging your emotions and focusing on your results


hen you’re engaged in a dialogue, for what percentage of the com-
munication do you think you’re responsible? Did you say 50 per cent?
After all, two people are involved in a dialogue, and so logically each of you
has half the responsibility to make and elicit responses, right?

If you’re familiar with the following NLP presuppositions (which we discuss
in detail in Chapter 2), you’d reply that you’re 100 per cent responsible:

✓ The meaning of the communication is the response it elicits.

✓ If what you’re doing isn’t working, do something different.

✓ The person with the most flexibility within a system influences the

This chapter shows you how to take total responsibility for any communica-
tion in which you’re involved. We provide tools to help you become more
aware of how the people with whom you’re communicating are transforming
what they receive through their senses: what they hear you say and what
they see and feel. When you understand their thinking process, you have the
means to adapt your words, deeds, and actions to get the response you want.
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