The Drawings of Michelangelo and His Followers in the Ashmolean Museum

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Neptunein Bologna ( 1563 – 6 ), and it is not inconceiv-
able that the younger artist was aware of some variant
of this design. There are also links with other rounded
and mobile figures of this period, notably the sketch for
aRisen Christof c.153 0, Cat. 38 verso.

Drawn Copies
Francesco Buonarroti copied the recto drawing at about
the same size, with the aid of a ruler, in Uffizi539 4A,
right side, a.

Casa Buonarroti; Jean-Baptiste Wicar; Samuel Wood-
burn; Sir Thomas Lawrence (L. 2445 ); Samuel Woodburn.

Lawrence Inventory, 1830 M. A. Buonaroti, Case 3 ,
Drawer 3 [ 1830 - 101 i] (“Two –...[with Cat. 69 ] and a
small Architectural Design of the tomb of the Medici.”).
Woodburn, 1836 a,no. 9. 2 (“On the same sheet is a very
slight memorandum...for a compartment of the Medici
Tombs.”). Woodburn,184 2,no. 17 (As 1836 .). Robin-
son,187 0,no. 42. 2 (Michel Angelo. Two drawings on the
same mount. 2. Recto: “Slight sketch...for entire com-
position of one of the Medici tombs.” Verso: “undraped
female figure”; thericordoprobably supplies exact date.).
Black, 1875 ,p. 214 ,no. 43. Gotti, 1875 ,II,pp. 229 , 239
(Wrongly as in pen.). Springer,187 8,p. 283 (Sketch for a
single Medici tomb; marks new stage in development of
tombs.) Springer, 1883 , II, p. 219 (As187 8.). Berenson,
1903 ,I,pp. 205 – 6 ,no. 1709 (Recto: “certainly not his.”
Like Louvre, Inv. 686 verso/J 24 /Corpus 193 ,but by a dif-
ferent hand, perhaps Stefano di Tommaso Lunetti. The
duke “evidently Giuliano.”). Baum, 1908 ,p. 1115 (Recto:
aworkshop drawing; novel type of tomb with sarcophagi
with angled lids; BM W 27 /Corpus 185 , another version
of this.). Thode, 1908 ,I,pp. 86 ,15 9(Verso: similar to lost
bronzeDavid,probably for a Julius TombVictory.); p. 473
(Recto: wrongly doubted by Berenson;15 2 4, study for
a papal tomb, linked with CB 52 A/B 256 /Corpus 188 .).
K. Frey, 1909 – 11 ,no. 214 a (Recto: two sketched figures
first ideas for Giuliano and Lorenzo; the tomb study for a
ducal tomb.); no. 213 a(Ve r so: not related to bronzeDavid.
A female allegory for a side niche on one of the Medici
tombs. By Michelangelo.). Thode, 1913 ,no. 425 (Recto:
as 1908 ; not for the tomb of Giuliano but for a papal tomb.
Ve r so: perhaps as Frey suggests, for a figure to flank one of
the dukes, but this is uncertain, as is Thode’s own hypoth-
esis of aVictory.). Popp, 1922 ,pp. 134 – 5 (Recto: a free
variation on a ducal tomb by Vincenzo Danti, comparable
with Louvre 686 verso/J 24 /Corpus 193 ; figure drawings

on both comparable. Inscription probably by Danti, and
the date is not trustworthy.). Brinckmann, 1925 ,no. 38
(Verso: preliminary project for a tomb statue.). Venturi,
1926 ,pp. 68 – 9 (Michelangelo, for a ducal tomb.). Fasolo,
1927 ,p. 455 (Design for a ducal tomb, after153 0;worked
up in CB 52 A/ B 256 /Corpus 188 .). Berenson, 1938 ,I,
pp. 216 – 17 ,no. 1709 (“[T]he leaflet for the tomb is per-
haps not his”; the busts recall BM W 28 recto.). Delacre,
1938 ,p. 335 (Verso: Michelangelo, for aVictory?.). Wilde,
1953 a,p. 75 (Study for a tomb of a Pope to be placed in one
of the side rooms of the New Sacristy; a study for a detail
on Archivio Buonarroti XIII, 160 /Corpus36 6.). Parker,
1956 ,no. 307 (Recto: probably related to papal tombs but
exact purpose uncertain. Verso: female figure, purpose
conjectural.). Dussler, 1959 ,no. 621 (Recto: Michelan-
gelo studio, not Danti. Purpose controversial. Verso: by a
later hand; nothing known of Stefano di Tommaso’s draw-
ings.). Ackerman, 1961 , II, p. 29 (Recto: the “proportions
are poorly suited to the...[lavamaniof which]...the
longest only 3. 85 m., which would make
the sarcophagus...[here] only 1. 4 m. long.”). Beren-
son, 1961 ,no. 1709 (As 1903 / 1938 .). Barocchi, 1962 ,
p. 306 (By Michelangelo; for a papal tomb for one of
thelavamani;CB 52 A/Corpus 188 developed from it by
a later hand.). Ackerman, II, 1964 ,p. 29 (Associated
with CB 52 A/Corpus 188 in which the figure “obvi-
ously a Pope” is “possibly autograph, the tomb probably
not.” “I can visualise...[CB 52 A] in thelavamanibet-
ter than...[the present drawing], where the sarcophagi
would have to be as little as 1. 5 to 2 m. long if the whole
tomb has to fit into the small chamber.”). Barbieri and
Puppi, 1964 a,pp. 866 , 1003 (Recto: heads at either side
and inscription not by Michelangelo.). Schwager, 1967 ,
p. 60 (By a pupil of Michelangelo for a papal tomb in one
of thelavamaniof the Medici chapel. CB 52 A/Corpus 188
byJacomo del Duca c.15 6 4,preparing tomb of Paul IV
in the Mattei chapel in Santa Maria sopra Minerva.). De
Angelis d’Ossat, 1965 a,p.31 0(Recto: probably for a papal
tomb for thelavamani;developed further on school draw-
ing CB 52 A/Corpus 188 .). Weinberger, 1967 ,pp. 303 – 4
(Recto: School of Michelangelo based on ideas for ducal
tomb: “some of the decorative detail used in the mid-
dle bay...was hardly developed before 1525 in the later
wall tabernacles and door of thericetto.” Chalk sketches
probably by hand of same pupil. Contests Wilde’s con-
nection withlavamaniproject. Verso: “rather inferior” by
a different pupil.). Hartt, 1971 ,no. 219 (Recto:15 2 0- 1.
Study for a ducal tomb;ricordodated15 2 4.); no.15 8( 1517 –
18 ?. Verso: for St. Lawrence on San Lorenzo fac ̧ade: “the
pose would make sense if the bent leg were intended as
aprop for the gridiron.”). Gere and Turner, 1975 ,no. 53
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