Personal Trainer Course - Canadian Fitness Education Services

(Kiana) #1

Submaximal Tests

of Cardiorespiratory Fitness


here are two types of tests that can be performed to mea-
sure aerobic capacity, maximal and submaximal. During
maximal aerobic testing the subject reaches a state of true
VO 2 max, or absolute exhaustion. These tests, therefore, pose
a higher risk for clients and
MUST only be performed by
a Kinesiologist who is a Cer-
tified Exercise Physiologist.

Personal Trainers may per-
form submaximal testing, in
which the subject reaches
a state whereby VO 2 max
can be predicted based on
the fact that there is a linear
relationship between heart
rate and workload, as long
as there are no medications
(over the counter especially)
to alter this relationship. If
medication is used the re-
sults of the test are invalid..
Submaximal tests are con-
sidered safe for apparently
healthy clients who have un-
dergone appropriate health
screening. The client must
not answer ‘yes’ to any of
the questions on the PAR-Q
or the PARmed-X must have
a recommendation of ‘unre-
stricted physical activity’.

There are several simple as-
sessment tests that estimate a
client’s maximal oxygen con-
sumption and these tests are
between ±15 percent error at
best given accurate protocol
and heart rate measures^5.

The 1.6 km Walk Test 2,4,5
This is a simple assessment for the client that is unfit and only
able to walk. It is ideal for clients with lower levels of aerobic fit-
ness, providing they have the ability to walk the duration of the
test. An estimation of maximal aerobic capacity is based on the
amount of time it takes to walk 1.6 kilometers or one mile. Heart

Chapter 8 Fitness Assessment Protocols and Practical Skills

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