The Business of Value Investing.pdf

(Romina) #1
Index 259

debt form, 119
demand, decrease, 183
prices, decline, 217
problems, 69
risk premium, assignation, 120
valuations, 70
Events, six sigma types, 16–17
Executive compensation, 115
Fairholme Funds, filing (2008), 75f
Fairly valued business/investment, 21–24
Fama, Eugene, 23–24
52-week low lists, 78–79
Financial crisis, 62
Financial markets, price quotes, 3
Financial media, sensationalization, 147
Finova bonds, purchase, 157
First Industrial Realty, purchase, 157
Floor exchange, obsolescence, 4
Franchise-type businesses, value, 104
Franchise value, 104–105
Free cash flow
examination, 26–27
growth rate, 27
French, Kenneth, 23–24
Frictional costs
impact, 55
increase, 151
Fund administrators, service providers, 246
Fundamental analysis, 19
depth, 154
performing, 147–148
Fundamentals, listing, 77
Fund custodians (brokers), service
providers, 246–247
Future returns, inadequacy, 140–141
Future sum, discounting, 8–9
Gambler’s fallacy, 241
Gates, Bill (wealth derivation), 39
GEICO, Buffett investment, 102, 170
Geiger counter approach, 156–158
General Electric (GE), business success, 5

Gillette, competition, 105
Global economy
challenges, 216–217
full recession mode (2008-2009),
Goizueta, Roberto (Coca-Cola CEO), 112
Good business, Greenblatt definition,
basics, 236–240
intangible asset, 238
Google, investment value, 25, 67–68
Graham, Benjamin, 76
crowd, agreement, 174
Graham-schooled investors, Buffett
comparison, 20
investing course (Columbia University),
investment philosophy, 1, 175–176, 186
investor actions, consistency, 195
teachings, 35
value investing, 14, 17–18
willpower, necessity, 125
Great business, definition, 101–102
Great Depression, 132–133
Greed, consequences, 133
Greenblatt, Joel, 76
achievement process, 227–231
importance, 225–233
opportunity, 225–226
purchase, value investor preference,
value, 230t
Growth at a reasonable price (GARP)
business, 168–170, 225
Growth at a reasonable price (GARP)
investment, example, 169
Hagstrom, Robert, 139
Hawkins, Mason (Longleaf Funds), 16, 35,
41, 72
business trading examination, 95
stupidity, appearance (quote), 173
value investor, 38

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