Rolando Gomez. Rolando Gomez's Lighting for Glamour Photography: Techniques for Digital Photographers. 2010

(Greg DeLong) #1
Power.The ring flash should have a 1200 watt-second or more power out-
put so you can use it outdoors to overpower the sun at a comfortable distance
to your subject. In indoor glamour photography, this same unit will allow you
to get a comfortable distance from your subject. This is really important with
medium- to long-telephoto lens photography sessions in glamour and fashion
Normally you need a shooting distance of at least ten feet from your sub-
ject, and to surpass the Sunny 16 Rule of lighting when working outdoors,

ABOVE—Playboy model Laura F.
stands outside a door while pho-
tographed by Tom Suhler at an aban-
doned hotel in the U.S. Virgin
Islands. The door frames Laura and
the shutter slats create dramatic
lines across the body. Combined
with her pose, the door and the slats
help create an interesting mood in
the image. (CAMERA:Nikon D3 fitted
with Nikon 70–200mm f/2.8 lens.
SETTINGS:90mm effective focal length
90mm,^1 / 250 second shutter speed,
f/8, white balance 5880, ISO 400)

RIGHT—With a medium telephoto to
telephoto lens, the compression of a
foliage background combined with
the loss of depth of field provides a
painterly setting that keeps your at-
tention on the model—here, Ameri-
can Idolstar Amy Davis. This image
was shot indoors using window light
and the house’s tile floor as a reflec-
tor. (CAMERA:Canon EOS 5D fitted
with a Canon 85mm f/1.2L USM lens.
SETTINGS:85mm effective focal
length,^1 / 250 second shutter speed,
f/1.2, white balance at 6000K, ISO

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