Rolando Gomez. Rolando Gomez's Lighting for Glamour Photography: Techniques for Digital Photographers. 2010

(Greg DeLong) #1
Okay, I’m kidding. I’m not trying to be caustic, but remember, you’re plan-
ning on having a model in front of that unit. Chances are if you don’t like it,
your model won’t either, and remember, it’s always about the face, a happy
face. Don’t get stung with novelty units; you have to get really close to achieve
high f-stops to gain depth of field in in glamour and fashion photography
when working outdoors, and your subject won’t appreciate the intrusion.
Color Temperature. It’s very important in digital photography that your
ring flash provide consistent color temperature output, preferably within 100
to 200K tolerance.

While working in the Virgin Islands,
Tom Suhler created this photograph
of model Rika using a Hensel Porty
Premium battery power pack with a
studio flash fitted with a 7-inch
metal reflector and a 20-degree grid.
The main light was feathered using
barn doors to direct the light away
from the background, which was illu-
minated with two Nikon speedlights
covered with blue and magenta gels.
(CAMERA:Nikon D3 fitted with Nikon
70-200mm f/2.8 lens. SETTINGS:
78mm effective focal length,^1 / 250
second shutter speed, f/9, white
balance at 5880K, ISO 1600)

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