
(sharon) #1
Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin B complex consists of four vitamins. These are B 1 (thiamine), B 2
(riboflavin), B 3 (niacin), and B 6 (pyridoxine). B 1 is used to treat peripheral
neuritis from alcoholism or beriberi. B 2 is used to manage dermatologic prob-
lems, such as scaly dermatitis, cracked corners of the mouth, inflammation of
the skin and tongue. B 3 is given in large doses to alleviate pellagra (dietary defi-
ciency of niacin) and hyperlipidemia and may cause GI irritation and vasodi-
latation resulting in a flushing sensation. B 6 is given to correct B 6 deficiency
and helps alleviate symptoms of neuritis causes by isoniazid (INH) therapy for

CHAPTER 9 Vitamins and Minerals^145

Dose for treatment Thiamine:30–60 mg/d
of deficiency Riboflavin:5–25 mg/d
Prophylactic: 3 mg/d
Nicotinic acid or niacin:Prevention: 5–20 mg/d
Deficit: 50–100 mg/d
Pellagra: 300–500 mg in 3 divided doses
Hyperlipidemia: 1–2 g/d in 3 divided doses
Pyridoxine:25–100 mg/d
Isoniazid therapy prophylaxis:20–25 mg/d
Peripheral neuritis:50–200 mg/d
Maintenance Thiamine:Male 1.5 mg
Female: 1.1 mg
Pregnancy: 1.5 mg
Lactating: 1.6 mg
Riboflavin:Male: 1.4–1.7 mg
Female: 1.2–1.3 mg
Pregnancy: 1.6 mg
Lactating: 1.8 mg
Nicotinic acid or niacin:Male 15–19 mg/d
Female: 13–15 mg/d
Pregnancy:18 mg/d
Lactating: 20 mg/d
Pyridoxine:Male: 2.0 mg/d
Female: 1.6 mg/d
Pregnancy: 2.1 mg/d
Lactating: 2.2 mg/d
Pregnancy category A (C if dose is more than RDA)

Vitamin B Complex

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