
(sharon) #1

The nursing process related to treatment of patients who are taking anti-
helmiths is:

  • Assessment
    ° History of foods eaten, especially meat and fish and how it was prepared
    ° Note if other persons in household have been checked for worms
    ° Obtain baseline vital signs and collect a stool specimen

  • Nursing diagnoses
    ° Altered comfort
    ° Activity intolerance related to dizziness, headache, drowsiness
    ° Altered nutrition
    ° Alteration in skin integrity

  • Planning
    ° Patient will be free of helminths
    ° Patient/family will understand how to prepare foods to avoid recurrence

  • Interventions
    ° Collect stool specimen
    ° Administer the prescribed anthelmintics after meals
    ° Report side effects to the health care provider

  • Patient teaching:
    ° Explain importance of hand washing
    ° Instruct to take daily showers, NOT baths
    ° Instruct to change sheets, bedclothes, towels, and underwear daily
    ° If problem persists, a second course of therapy may be necessary
    ° Take prescribed drug at the designated time and keep health care
    ° Alert that drowsiness may occur; avoid operating a car or machinery if
    drowsiness occurs
    ° Report side effects to health care provider

  • Evaluation
    ° Evaluate effect of the anthelmintics and absence of side effects
    ° Determine if patient is using proper hygiene to avoid spread of parasitic

CHAPTER 13 Antimicrobials—Fighting Infection^249

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