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Respiratory Diseases

No one looks forward to the cold season when many of us come down with a
sore throat, the sniffles, and a cough and feel utterly dreadful. A lot of chicken
soup and TLC usually is the cure. Chicken soup is not a drug but it does contain
a mucous-thinning amino acid called cysteine and is considered “grandma’s
remedy” for the common cold. Actually, time is the best cure and most people
feel better in 7 to 10 days with or without chicken soup.
The common cold is one of a number of respiratory diseases that can infect
our body. The common cold can be annoying. However, some respiratory dis-
eases—such as emphysema—are debilitating and can slowly choke the life out of
a person.
In this chapter, we’ll explore the more common respiratory diseases and
learnabout the medications that are used to either destroy the disease-causing
microorganism or to manage the symptoms of the disease.

A Brief Look at Respiration

Before learning about respiratory diseases and the medications used to treat them,
let’s take a few moments to briefly review the anatomy and physiology of the res-
piratory tract. This review will help you better understand the disease and treatment.

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