
(sharon) #1
Pharmacological pain treatment involves administering medication that
relieves the patient of pain. There are four categories of pain medication: non-
narcotic analgesics, nonsterioidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), narcotic
analgesics, and salicylates (discussed in Chapter 12).
Narcotic analgesics are opioid narcotics that can induce respiratory depres-
sion. The effects of a narcotic analgesic can be reversed by administering a nar-
cotic antagonist.
Many patients and healthcare providers are concerned that a patient will
become addicted to narcotic analgesics or develop a tolerance for these drugs.
Both can occur. However, proper pain management can alleviate these potential
This chapter concludes the look at pain medications. In the next chapter, we’ll
take a look at medications that are used to control the immune system.


  1. Physical sensation of pain
    (a) occurs when nerve endings are stimulated causing it to send an
    impulse along the nerve pathways to the brain.
    (b) is a person’s emotional response to pain based on a person’s pain
    (c) occurs when the brain stimulates nerve endings at the site of the
    (d) none of the above.

  2. Nonpharmacological pain relief treatments use the
    (a) Pain Oppression theory.
    (b) Pain Suppression theory.
    (c) Brain Suppression theory.
    (d) Gate Control theory.

  3. The presence of severe discomfort or an uncomfortable sensation that has
    a sudden onset and subsides with treatment is
    (a) neuropathic pain.
    (b) visceral pain.
    (c) chronic pain.
    (d) acute pain.

(^312) CHAPTER 16 Narcotic Agonists

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