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common mild reactions include swelling at the injection site and fever. Absolute
contraindications for the use of vaccines include anaphylactic reaction to a spe-
cific vaccine or component of another vaccine or moderate or severe illness.
Healthcare providers are expected to report vaccine adverse events to public
health officials who report these to the CDC every week using the Vaccine
Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), which is used to provide compen-
sation for injury and death caused by vaccination.


Patients may not know if they’ve been vaccinated. Therefore, healthcare profes-
sionals perform a blood test to determine detectable levels of antibodies in the
bloodstream for preventable diseases such as Rubella.
If antibodies are detected in sufficient quantity, then the patient is immune to
the disease. If the antibodies are not detected, then the patient needs to be revac-
cinated. Healthcare professionals are required to be vaccinated for many common
communicable diseases in order to prevent acquiring the disease and passing the
disease along to patients.


Here are the steps that should be followed when vaccinating a patient:

  • Obtain immunization history.

  • Obtain medical history of immune deficiency diseases such as malignancy
    (cancer) or HIV.

  • Obtain pregnancy history and pregnancy test.

  • Obtain drug history including high-dose immunosuppressants, blood trans-
    fusions, and immune globulin.

  • Obtain a complete allergy history include drugs, foods, and environmental

  • Do not administer vaccines to a pregnant patient.

  • Determine if anyone in the patient’s household is not vaccinated or is

  • Assess for symptoms of moderate to severe acute illness with or without

  • Adhere to storage requirements for the vaccine to ensure its potency.

  • Administer vaccine within stated time limit after preparation.

CHAPTER 17 Immunologic Agents^323

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