
(sharon) #1




Disorders of the

Eye and Ear

Most of us become anxious whenever anything happens to our vision or hearing
and tend to avoid reporting the condition to our healthcare professional fearing
devastating news—we’re going blind or deaf.
The truth is that common eye and ear disorders rarely result in loss of sight
and hearing once the disorder is diagnosed and treated with the proper medica-
tion. Some conditions heal themselves and others are cured with a few weeks
of treatment.
This chapter takes a look at common disorders that affect the eyes and the
ears and discusses drugs that are used to treat those disorders.

Eye Disorders

The eye has three layers. The first layer contains the cornea and sclera. The sec-
ond layer contains the choroid, iris, and ancillary body.The third layer contains
the retina that connects to the brain through the optic nerve.
There are three common disorders of the eye: glaucoma, conjunctivitis, and
corneal abrasion.

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