
(sharon) #1
There are four types of conjunctivitis. These are:

1.Viral conjunctivitis. Viral conjunctivitis affects only one eye causing
excessive eye watering and a light discharge from the eye.
2.Bacterial conjunctivitis. Bacterial conjunctivitis affects both eyes causing
a heavy greenish discharge.
3.Allergic conjunctivitis. Allergic conjunctivitis also affects both eyes caus-
ing itching and redness and excessive tearing. The patient may also expe-
rience an itchy and red nose.
4.Giant papillary conjunctivitis. Giant papillary conjunctivitis (GPC) affects
both eyes causing contact lens intolerance, itching, heavy discharge, and
tearing and red bumps on the underside of the eyelids.


A corneal abrasion is a cut or scratch on the cornea, which is the clear, protec-
tive membrane covering the colored part of the eye (iris). Corneal abrasion
can be caused by sand, dust, dirt, and shavings from materials such as metal.
Fingernails, tree branches, rubbing your eyes, and even contact lenses can also
scratch the cornea. Some patients have a weak outer layer of the cornea that can
sustain an abrasion for no apparent reason.
Most corneal abrasions heal properly with the proper treatment. However, if
the treatment isn’t successful, the abrasion can reappear months following the
originally injury.
Corneal abrasions are painful because of the sensitivity of the cornea. Patients
may feel as if there is sand in their eye. Their eyes become teary and red. Their
vision is blurry and light hurts their eyes (photophobia). Corneal abrasions have
been known to cause headaches.
Fluorescein sodium and fluress (fluorescein sodium and benoxinate HCl) are
used to diagnose corneal abrasions and to locate lesions or foreign objects in the eye.
Fluorescein is a dye used to demonstrate defects in corneal epithelium and is
excreted in nasal secretions if the lacrimal (tear) duct is patent.
When fluorescence strips are used to examine the eye:

  • Corneal scratches turn bright red.

  • Foreign bodies are surrounded by a green ring.

  • Loss of conjunctiva appears orange yellow.

Fluress is a dye and a local anesthetic and is used for short corneal and con-
junctival procedures such as removing foreign bodies from the eye.

CHAPTER 22 Disorders of the Eye and Ear^401

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