Cheap and Easy Crafts

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

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10  Ways to Reuse and Recycle Trash for Crafting

In addition to its positive environmental impact, recycled crafting material is especially frugal,

being that it comes at no additional cost! Here are ten ways to recycle through crafting.

Paper Bags

  • Fans- Cut out a rectangular piece of paper from a paper bag. Paint it or decorate it

however you desire. Fold accordion style (turning over after ever fold) and secure the

bottom of the folds with a dab of glue on each hold or drill a hole through and secure

with a bit of string. Fan out.

  • Envelope or Mailer- Use a plain paper bag (or with the pointing writing inside) to make a

recycled envelope or mailer. Fold a large piece in half and seal the sides. You can even

use your sewing machine to stitch the sides closed.

  • Gift Wrap- Brown paper also makes fantastic gift wrap. Decorate with stencils or spray

with a coat of glittery metallic spray (available at craft stores). For a minimalist look, use

twine or neutral-colored ribbon to tie around the package.

  • Spray-Painting Aid- Go outside, place an item to be spray-painted inside of a paper

grocery bag and spray away. This certainly cuts down on the mess!

  • Create a flap album from five paper bags.

Plastic Bottles

  • Use plastic bottles in your garden for a homemade irrigation system. Decorate and/or

paint them so they won’t stand out in your garden AS garbage.

Plastic Bottle Caps

  • “Beaded Curtain”- Paint bottle caps different colors (you can paint them red and green

for a holiday curtain). Drill a small hole into each and thread onto a string. For evenly

spaced “beads” measure and tie a knot before stringing on the next bottle cap. Hang each

string from a horizontal line for a beaded curtain.

  • Use plain bottle caps to create a beautiful lampshade.

Metal Tabs (As on Soda cans)

  • Create a surprisingly pretty bracelet with pop tabs and elastic cord.

Cereal Boxes

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