Sports Medicine: Just the Facts

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  • Nuclear medicine:Scintigraphy has recently been
    investigated in the diagnosis of CECS (Samuelson
    and Cram, 1996; Edwards et al, 1999; Owens et al,
    1999). The utility of this study is based on the detec-
    tion of abnormalities in tracer uptake in muscle com-
    partments. Specifically, the identification of decreased
    postexertional muscle perfusion and radionuclide
    concentration in the compartment with increased
    pressure when compared to resting images (Edwards
    et al, 1999; Owens et al, 1999).

  • MRI:Recent interest has focused on the use of mag-
    netic resonance(MR) imaging in the evaluation and
    diagnosis of CECS (Eskelin, Lotjonen, and
    Mantysaari, 1998; Verleisdonk, van Gils A, and van
    der Werken, 2001). The theory behind use of MR
    imaging is based on the fact that MR imaging is sen-
    sitive to changes in water distribution in skeletal
    muscle. In CECS, if tissue edema causes pressure ele-
    vations in muscle compartments, theoretically postex-
    ercise MR imaging should be able to detect the
    increased water content (Kiuru et al, 2003; Eskelin,
    Lotjonen, and Mantysaari, 1998).


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