Sports Medicine: Just the Facts

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In the spring of 1993, primary care sports physicians across the country were
scrambling to identify good resources to prepare for the first examination for a
Certificate of Added Qualification in Sports Medicine. This examination was
co-sponsored by the American Boards of Family Practice, Internal Medicine,
Pediatrics, and Emergency Medicine. At review courses a common theme was
that at that time, there was no identifiable source that reliably identified the dis-
cipline of sports medicine, let alone a good review book or study guide. Since
that time, of course, there have been a number of excellent books published in
the field of primary care sports medicine.
At the Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine in 2002,
Darlene Cook of McGraw-Hill approached me about a new line of textbooks
that their company was developing called Just the Facts. Darlene, who had
mentored Robert Wilder and myself through our first book, Running Medicine,
stated that McGraw-Hill’s market research had identified a need by clinicians
for sources of essential information in an outline format that provided quick
reference. Darlene also felt these books would provide excellent sources of
study for clinicians facing initial certification examinations or recertification
exams. As I was beginning to prepare for my ten-year recertification in sports
medicine since my initial examination in 1993, I thought it would be an inter-
esting endeavor.
The first task was to assemble a team of quality editors and authors. My first
call was to Dr. Robert Wilder, a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician
and my colleague on a number of academic pursuits. We decided to include a
second sports medicine physician, as this would be an ambitious project, as
well as an orthopedic surgeon to hopefully recruit the most expertise in opera-
tive orthopedics. We were very fortunate to have Dr. Robert Sallis, an author-
ity in primary care sports medicine and fellowship program director, accept our
invitation. Dr. Patrick St. Pierre, a sports trained orthopedic surgeon and edu-
cator, graciously agreed to coordinate our orthopedic chapters. As a multi-
disciplinary group, our goal became to develop a text that would have value
among a variety of clinicians involved with sports medicine including medical
doctors, surgeons, allied healthcare professionals and athletic trainers. Our
vision was a well-referenced, evidenced-based source of material that would
provide a resource for both study and practice.
A quick look at the author list identifies for the reader a number of “who’s
who” leaders in the field of sports medicine. Interspersed among the “giants” in


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