Sports Medicine: Just the Facts

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

L/min and represents a limit for comparison with
maximal VE during exercise (VEmax).


  • The difference between MVV and VEmax: breathing
    reserve (BR) is sometimes expressed as VEmax/MVV.
    Theoretically, BR is the additional VE available
    during maximal exercise. If a person achieves maxi-
    mal work capacity prior to attaining MVV, the person
    has a normal BR, whereas if MVV =VE, the person
    may have compromised pulmonary function. A typi-
    cal BR is 11 L/min, with normal VEmax/MVV ranging
    between 0.6 and 0.75 (60 to 75%).


•Oxygen uptake (VO 2 ) is based on the Fick equation
and can be expressed as: VO 2 =CO ×(a-VO 2 ) =HR ×
SV ×(a-VO 2 ), where CO =cardiac output, a-VO 2 is
the arteriovenous O 2 content difference, SV is stroke
volume, and HR is heart rate. For an average size
adult (70 kg), CO at rest would be about 5 L/min and
during strenuous exercise, 20 to 30 L/min.
•VO 2 , determined during exercise by measuring respi-
ratory gases, is related to the fractional percent of O 2
in inspired and expired air and VE. Inspired air con-
tains 20.93% O 2 and expired air around 17.0%.
•VO 2 is usually expressed in absolute units (L/min) or
relative to body weight (mL/kg/min). Resting VO 2
usually ranges between 0.25 and 0.4 L/min and max-
imal exercise VO 2 values can exceed 5 L/min (15–70
mL/kg/min) (Fig. 8-3). Higher values indicate higher
aerobic fitness.


  • Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) is produced metabolically in
    the tissues, transported in blood by venous return to
    the lung, and eliminated from the lung by breathing
    (VE). Inspired air contains 0.03% CO 2 and expired air
    about 5% CO 2. Like VO 2 , VCO 2 is usually expressed
    as L/min or mL/kg/min. Resting and strenuous exer-
    cise values depend on metabolism and pulmonary
    function, but resting values are less than VO 2.


  • Lactate, a product of glycolysis, is formed from pyru-
    vate in the recycling of NAD (Fig. 8-2), or when

insufficient O 2 is available for pyruvate to enter the
TCA cycle. The extent of lactate formation depends
on the availability of both pyruvate and NADH. Blood
lactate at rest is about 0.8 to 1.5 mM, but during
intense exercise can be in excess of 18 mM.

  • During exercise, muscle cells dispose of lactate by
    releasing it into the circulation where it becomes an
    important fuel for the heart and nonexercising mus-
    cles. Lactate released from the muscle can also be
    converted to glucose in the liver by the Cori cycle.


  • The ratio of VO 2 (mL/min) to HR (bpm), when both
    measures are obtained simultaneously, is O 2 pulse
    (mL/beat). It is an important measure since it reflects
    the product of stroke volume and a-VO 2 difference
    (see equation under VO 2 ).
    •O 2 pulse increases with increasing work effort (range
    4 to 30 mL/beat) and is affected by a variety of fac-
    tors, including anemia and heart disease. A low value
    during exercise indicates HR is too high for VO 2 and
    can be an indication of heart disease.


  • The respiratory quotient (RQ) is the ratio of CO 2 pro-
    duced by cellular metabolism to O 2 used by tissues.
    This metabolic marker is used to quantify the relative
    amounts of carbohydrate and fatty acids being oxi-
    dized for energy. The RQ cannot exceed 1.0: an RQ of
    0.7 implies dependence on free fatty acids and a value
    of 1.0 dependence on carbohydrate.

  • The respiratory exchange ratio (RER) reflects pul-
    monary exchange of CO 2 and O 2 at rest and during
    exercise. The RER also ranges between 0.7 and 1.0
    during steady state exercise and can reflect substrate
    preference; however, it exceeds 1.0 during strenuous
    exercise because of increasing metabolic activity not
    matched by VO 2 and additional CO 2 derived from
    bicarbonate buffering of lactic acid. The terms RQ
    and RER are often used interchangeably, but their dis-
    tinction is important.


•Ventilatory equivalents (VE/VO 2 and VE/VCO 2 ) are unit-
less numbers derived from the ratio of VE to VO 2 and
VCO 2. VE/VO 2 indicates the volume (L) of air required
to use 1 L of O 2 and VE/VCO 2 indicates the appropriate-
ness of ventilation (L of air required to remove L of CO 2 ).
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