Sports Medicine: Just the Facts

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

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Bradley J Nelson, MD
Dean C Taylor, MD


  • Muscle and tendon injuries occur frequently in the
    athletic population. Most injuries are self-limiting and
    a full recovery is to be expected; however, these
    injuries can dramatically affect an athlete’s perform-
    ance and their ubiquitous nature makes these injuries
    an important part of the athlete’s care.

    • This chapter will review injury and repair of muscle
      and tendon tissue. Emphasis will be placed on the
      basic science of these injuries.


  • Muscle injury is the most common musculoskeletal
    complaint in the athlete. Common muscle injuries
    include muscle strains, delayed muscle soreness, con-
    tusions, and cramps.

  • This section on muscle injury will provide a brief
    review of anatomy and physiology, a description of
    the reparative process, and then a discussion of the
    types of muscle injuries common in athletes.


•Skeletal muscle is composed primarily of contractile
proteins (myosin, actin, tropomyosin, and troponin)
and a connective tissue matrix (Best, 1997).

  • The muscle fiber is the basic structural element of
    skeletal muscle. The fiber is a syncytium of fused
    muscle cells with multiple nuclei (Garrett and Best,
    2000). Within the fibers are myofibrils which are
    composed of repeating units of light and dark bands
    called sarcomeres. The bands are made up of thick
    (myosin) and thin (actin) filaments.

  • The muscle fiber originates from bone or tendon, trav-
    erses one or more joints, and inserts into a tendon that
    connects to bone. Fiber arrangement can be parallel or
    oblique (pennate, bipennate, and the like) in orienta-
    tion. Fibers can be classified as type I (slow-twitch
    oxidative) and type II (fast-twitch). Type II fibers are
    further classified into type IIa (fast-twitch oxidative
    glycolytic) and IIb (fast-twitch glycolytic).

  • Satellite cells are separate cells along the periphery of
    the muscle fiber that regenerate into muscle cells in
    response to injury.

  • The musculotendinous junction is a specialized region
    of highly folded membranes that increase the surface
    area for force transmission (Best, 1997). Most muscle
    strain injuries occur in this region.

  • The sarcoplasmic reticulum is a specialized cellular
    organelle that is responsible for calcium movement
    across the cell membrane and electric transmission
    within the cell.
    •A motor unit is a single nerve axon and all the muscle
    fibers it innervates. The nerve contacts the muscle
    fiber at the motor end plate.
    •A muscle contraction begins when an electric impulse
    travels down a nerve axon to its motor end plates.

The opinions and assertions contained herein are the private views of the
authors and are not to be construed as official nor do they reflect the
views of the U. S. Department of the Army or the U. S. Department of

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