Sports Medicine: Just the Facts

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
A chemical transmission occurs across the synapses
that generate electric potentials in the muscle mem-
branes. These electric potentials cause the sarcoplas-
mic reticulum to release calcium. The calcium binds
to troponin, which results in a conformational change
in tropomyosin that allows the interaction between the
myosin (thick) and actin (thin) filaments. These fila-
ments slide past each other to shorten or resist length-
ening. This process is powered by the hydrolysis of
ATP (Garrett and Best, 2000).


  • The pathophysiology of healing muscle is similar
    regardless of the type of injury. The reparative process
    involves both inflammatory cells (neutrophils,
    macrophages) and myogenic (satellite) cells.

  • Inflammatory cell invasion of the damaged muscle
    tissue begins shortly after injury.

    1. Neutrophils initially infiltrate the injury site via
      cellular chemotaxis. The cellular mechanism
      responsible for attracting the neutrophils is not
      completely known but probably involves a com-
      plex signaling process. Mediators such as basic
      fibroblast growth factor(bFGF), platelet-derived
      growth factor(PDGF), and interleukin-1(IL-1)
      stimulate macrophages and fibroblasts within the
      muscle tissue, which in turn, attract and activate
      inflammatory cells (Tidball, 1995).

    2. Macrophages are the most prevalent inflammatory
      cells present in injured muscle. Distinct subclasses
      of macrophages have been identified and play spe-
      cific roles in the healing process. One subclass of
      macrophages is involved in the phagocytosis of
      damaged tissue and further stimulation of the
      inflammatory response. A second subclass of
      macrophages helps modulate the reparative process
      (Tidball, 1995).

  • Satellite cells are myogenic mononuclear cells
    responsible for muscle fiber regeneration. Muscle
    injury stimulates these cells to differentiate into
    myoblasts, which fuse together and develop into mult-
    inucleated muscle fibers (Lehto and Jarvinen, 1991).

  • Fibroblast proliferation and collagen matrix synthesis
    occur along with the inflammatory response and
    muscle regeneration. This connective tissue scar for-
    mation may inhibit the complete repair of injured
    muscle (Lehto and Jarvinen, 1991).


  • Muscle strain is the most common injury sustained in
    sports. This type of muscle injury can range from

delayed muscle soreness (discussed below), to partial
muscle strain, to complete muscle disruption.

  • These injuries occur most commonly during eccentric
    contraction in muscles that cross two joints (rectus
    femoris, biceps femoris, gastrocnemius). These mus-
    cles have a high proportion of type II (fast-twitch)
    fibers and these injuries occur most frequently during
    sprinting (Noonan and Garrett, Jr, 1999).


  • High forces are generated in relatively few muscle
    fibers during eccentric muscular contraction; how-
    ever, muscle contraction alone is insufficient to create
    muscle strain injury. Passive stretch of the muscle past
    its resting length is required to injure the muscle
    (Garrett et al, 1988). This increased strain disrupts the
    muscle fibers near the muscle-tendon junction.

  • Cellular disruption results in the hydrolysis of struc-
    tural proteins and inflammation that further damages
    the muscle tissue (Nikolaou et al, 1987).

  • Animal studies reveal that muscle tissue sustaining
    a nondisruptive strain injury demonstrates
    decreased load to failure when subjected to stress
    (Obremsky et al, 1994; Taylor et al, 1993). In addi-
    tion, these partially injured muscles generate signif-
    icantly less contractile force. This may explain the
    clinical observation that significant muscle strain
    injuries are frequently preceded by a minor injury.
    These studies also underscore the importance of rest
    and complete recovery prior to the resumption of
    athletic activities.


  • Similar to the general reparative response of muscle
    described above.

  • The presence of inelastic fibrotic tissue (scar) may
    make the muscle more susceptible to additional


  • As mentioned above, reduced activity is key in the
    treatment of muscle strain injuries. This helps control
    inflammation and prevents further tissue damage.

  • Immobilization can diminish pain, reduce inflamma-
    tion, and allow torn muscle ends to reapproximate.
    Prolonged muscle immobilization (greater than 7–14
    days) results in muscle that demonstrates lower loads
    to failure and should be avoided (Noonan and Garrett,
    Jr, 1999).


  • Animal studies demonstrate that nonsteroidal anti-
    inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs) reduce the inflamma-
    tory response associated with muscle strain injury but


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