Mathematical Principles of Theoretical Physics

(Rick Simeone) #1

7.5 The Universe

the redshift. In modern astronomy and cosmology, it is customary to characterize the redshift
by a dimensionless quantityzin the formula

(1.9.2) 1 +z=



whereλobservandλemitrepresent the observed and emitting wavelenths.
There are three sources of redshifts: the Doppler effect, the cosmological redshift, and the
gravitational redshift. If the Universe is not considered as a black hole, then the gravitational
redshift and the cosmological redshift are both too small tobe significant. Hence, modern
astronomers have to think that the large port of the redshiftis due to the Doppler effect.
However, due to black hole properties of our Universe, the black hole and cosmological
redshifts cannot be ignored. Due to the horizon of the sphere, for an arbitrary point in the
spherical Universe, its opposite hemisphere relative to the point is regarded as a black hole.
Hence,g 00 can be approximatively taken as the Schwarzschild solutionfor distant objects as

−g 00 (r) =α(r)


1 −



, α( 0 ) = 2 , α(Rs) = 1 , α′(r)< 0 ,

where ̃r= 2 Rs−rfor 0≤r<Rsis the distance from the light source to the opposite radial
point, andris the distance from the light source to the point. Then we derive the following
redshift formula, which is consistent with the observed redshifts:

(1.9.3) 1 +z=


α(r)( 1 −R ̃rs)


2 Rs−r


for 0<r<Rs.

CMB problem

In 1965, two physicists A. Penzias and R. Wilson discovered the low-temperature cosmic
microwave background (CMB) radiation, which fills the Universe, and it has been regarded
as the smoking gun for the Big-Bang theory. However, based onthe unique scenario of our
Universe we derived, it is the most natural thing that there exists a CMB, because the Uni-
verse has always been there as a black-body, and CMB is a result of blackbody equilibrium

4.2.1 Dark matter and dark energy.

Conclusion 4) in the above results for our Universe shows that the observable cosmic mass
M, and the total massMtotalwhich includes bothMand the non-observable mass caused by
space curvature energy, enjoy the following relation:

(1.9.4) Mtotal= 3 πM/ 2

The differenceMtotal−Mcan be regarded as the dark matter. Astronomical observations have
shown that the measurable massMis about one fifth of total massMtotal.
Also, the static Universe has to possess a negative pressureto balance the gravitational
attracting force. The negative pressure is actually the effect of the gravitational repelling
force, attributed to dark energy.

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