Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1


● Long-handled wooden spoon
● Hero spoon and apparatus to support the spoon on
● Hero bowl was also the stand-in bowl
● Henckels kitchen and herb scissors
● Bounty paper towels
● STRETCH-TITE plastic food wrap

● Windex glass cleaner
● Hand-painted surface by Brad G. Rogers

Darker, richer, moody set. One medium Chimera lightbank at the
back of the set angled in gives me the effect I need for the shot. The
light hits the bowl and spoon with fall-off in the front of the spoon.
The selective focus tells the story. The spoon is actually more than a
foot away from the bowl. No fi ll cards or refl ectors were needed
because of the broad light source. When using a C-stand and knuckle
to clamp the spoon into position, be sure to protect the prop spoon
with a cloth, paper towel, or tape.

Potato, Pasta, and Vegetable Salads

If you are building a potato, pasta, or vegetable salad
that does not contain salad greens, the techniques used
for pasta sauces and building a pasta hero are more
appropriate than the salad techniques. Refer to Chapter
8 for prep techniques for the vegetables in your salad
and follow the sauce techniques in this chapter for cre-
ating the look of dressing on less fragile ingredients in
your salad. During the prep of the potato salad shot
featured with this chapter, I used my hands, rather than
tools, to mix the ingredients with dressing in order to
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