Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1


Using a non-hero package you should practice and get
comfortable with bun handling before addressing bags
that may contain hero buns. Th is exercise will also get
you into the mode of handling the buns carefully. With
scissors, cut the plastic packaging covering the buns so
you can lift the top layer of buns out of the package. Slide
your hands under the top layer of buns and remove them
from the package. Be aware that some bakers use a tech-
nique that causes the buns to connect slightly. If the buns
you’ve purchased are attached, you will need to support
the entire layer while removing it from the packaging.
Place the layer of buns on the work surface and, using a
serrated knife, gently separate the buns. No squeezing the
buns, please!

Using sharp scissors, trim the portion of the bun that has
overlapped along the precut edge. Hold the scissors at an
angle matching the precut edge angle. Th e scissors will be
parallel to the fl at surface of the bun. Trim away the excess
bun edge. Make sure you cut a smooth edge that looks very
straight and natural. It may be necessary to trim the edges
of both the top and bottom of the hero buns. When this
step is completed, place the top hero bun, resting cut side
down on the paper plate, back into the Ziploc bag. Place

TRICKS OF THE TRADE Once hero buns are identifi ed, they
need to be protected. Buns are easier to manipulate and heroes are
more easily viewed if each bun is on a separate paper plate. The
plate and bun assembly will slide into a gallon-size Ziploc bag.
Carefully inspect all of the heroes and mark numbers on the plates
or bags to indicate #1, #2, #3, etc., in order of hero preference. This
technique provides a quick reference when building the hero, so if
anything happens to damage the hero during styling, the next
contender can be quickly identifi ed. Remember to save some of the
non-hero buns so you can practice bun treatments later and for
stand-in purposes.
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