Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1


I normally make patties 5/8 to 3/4 inch thick. You will
need to make patties match the thickness as determined
by the look you have chosen for your burger. Form the
patties so the meat is tightly packed together. If there is
a lot of air remaining in the patties, they tend to fall apart.
Pay attention to the shape of the patty edges in order to
create the look you want. Th e patties can be seared at this
point, if you are ready to build the burger, or wrapped
individually in plastic wrap and refrigerated overnight.
When you unwrap each patty, confi rm that the patty
edges have remained in the desired shape.

You need a hot griddle or large fl at skillet to cook the
patties. Brush the cooking surface with vegetable oil.
Preheat the cooking instrument to 350º. Place one beef

patty on the cooking surface until it is no longer red and
releases easily from the cooking surface. It is not your
goal to cook the meat at this time, but rather to brown
the meat only until it no longer appears red. Carefully
turn the patty over using a spatula. Cook the patty until
the down-side is no longer red. Th e edges may still be
pink. Th at’s OK.

TRICKS OF THE TRADE The easiest way to make the patties
the correct size and to keep them uniform in size is to make a pattern
or guide. To determine the size for your burger patty, place a stand-in
bun top, with cut side down, on a piece of paper. Trace around the
outer edge of the bun top. Around this circle draw an additional circle
¼ inch larger in diameter. This line will create the guide for the patty
size. Tape the pattern on the table surface where you plan to work
as you shape the patties. Place a sheet of plastic wrap over the paper
pattern and tape it securely to the table. Use the pattern as a guide
as you form the patties.

SAFETY NOTE Transfer the patty to a fl ame-resistant surface.
For safety, I use and highly recommend a landscaping stone. With a
torch, lightly brown the edges of the patty so they no longer appear
pink. Refer to the torch manufacturer’s operating and safety guidelines
before using it. As a precautionary measure, keep a fi re extinguisher
nearby. Perform the torch tasks under an exhaust fan since smoke
will be generated by this procedure.
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