Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1


Th e Whole Sandwich

Techniques for building a whole sandwich are similar
to the techniques used to build a burger. However, cre-
ating a hero sandwich can be a little more forgiving
than building a burger simply because there are often
more elements present in a sandwich. Th e various sand-
wich elements allow for manipulation to create visual
interest. Th is is especially true when thin deli meats are
used in combination with specifi c techniques to build a
sandwich. Th e meat edges, as shown in our hero shot,
can be styled to create interest and depth.

Choices for bread on a photo sandwich can be specifi c if
you are selling bread, or the bread choices can be vast if
you aren’t. Th e same rule applies to other sandwich ele-
ments. If you are selling or featuring a specifi c brand or
item, during the preplanning for the shot, most of your
decisions will be built around the featured item.

Th e choice of bread, in a whole sandwich shot, will greatly
infl uence the appearance and direct the lighting and
mood of the shot. Because the top piece of bread in a
photo sandwich usually consumes a large portion of space
in the shot, it becomes a big focal element. Once you
have chosen the type of bread for your whole sandwich,
you can begin to plan the other elements in your

Shopping for Sandwich Elements

I purchase meat and cheese sliced by the deli personnel
who cut the items specifi cally as instructed for each
item. You must explain that the thickness of the items
you order is important and you would like to inspect
the fi rst and second slice before they proceed with
slicing the remainder of each item. Let them know you
would appreciate special handling of the items, with
sheets of deli-paper between each slice of cheese. Also,
ask the deli attendant to put no more than 1/2 pound
in each package. And when you place the packages in
the shopping cart or basket, make sure no other items
rest on top of the deli bags.

Prepping Sandwich Ingredients

Use the same techniques you used to fi nd hero ham-
burger buns when looking for hero sandwich bread.
Look for even color and ingredient disbursement as well
as an interesting and beautiful crust surface. Protect the
hero bread using the paper plate and Ziploc bag method
described in the hamburger bun section.

TRICKS OF THE TRADE If the bread you have selected for your
hero sandwich is taken from a sliced loaf, remember that sliced bread
is highly susceptible to drying out when exposed to air. The best way
to protect the hero slices is to cover each hero slice with a slightly
damp paper towel before enclosing it in its plastic bag.
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