Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1


To prep lettuce for a sandwich, remove the whole leaves
from a head of lettuce, discarding any leaves with damaged
edges or discolored areas. If the lettuce is visibly dirty,
you will want to wash it in a bath of water and Fruit
Fresh Produce Protector. Spin the lettuce leaves dry in a
salad spinner. Place two or three hero whole lettuce leaves
into a one gallon-size Ziploc bag. Place all of the bags
of lettuce in the refrigerator vegetable drawer until you
build the hero sandwich. Bean sprouts and other sprouts
should be washed in a bowl of cold water. Th e empty seed
casings will fl oat to the surface of the water and should
be discarded. Place the sprouts on a paper towel–lined
paper plate. Slip the sprouts and plate into a Ziploc bag
and refrigerate.

For tomato prep, slice ripe red tomatoes using a serrated
tomato knife. Th e slices should be thick enough to
hold together, but normally not more than 1/2 inch in
thickness. Lay the slices on a plastic tray, cover tightly
with plastic wrap, and refrigerate. It’s best not to cut
tomato slices less than 1/4 inch thick because they often
become fl imsy and require support. If it turns out your
tomato slices do need support, thin sheets of acrylic can
be used. Acrylic sheets bound in pads are sold at art
stores. Cut circles out of the acrylic material that are
slightly smaller than the hero tomato slices. As you build
the sandwich, if the tomato slices need support to keep

their shape, place one acrylic circle under each tomato
slice. Note that you will have to be creative when using
toothpicks for the build if acrylic circles inhabit the

If I am confi dent with the cheese as I see it packaged at
the deli, I will use the cheese as it comes out of the deli
packages when I build a hero sandwich. If you aren’t
comfortable doing this, then you should work through
the cheese looking for hero slices. Cull through the
cheese slices quickly since exposure to air will dry the
cheese within a few minutes. As you fi nd a hero slice,
place it on a paper plate. Lay a piece of the deli-paper
snugly over each cheese slice and cover the plate with
plastic wrap. Refrigerate the plate of hero cheese until
you are ready to build it into the sandwich.

Other vegetable sandwich ingredients should be hero
sorted and stored on plastic trays or paper plates covered
with plastic wrap until ready to construct the hero sand-
wich. If you choose to cut vegetables such as peppers or
radishes perform these tasks and hero those items during
prep time early on the day of the shoot. Items such as
black olives and roasted peppers that are purchased in
cans or jars should be drained and sliced if necessary and
hero sorted. Place items of this type on paper plates or
plastic trays, cover with a damp paper towel, and then
cover tightly with plastic wrap.
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