Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1


at a time. A hero slice of deli meat will not have torn
edges, nor holes or discolored areas. Gently fold and
gather the meat with your fi ngers. Th e fold doesn’t have
to be perfect; in fact more interest is created if the edges
are slightly uneven. Pin the bundle in place on the sand-
wich with a toothpick that has been cut in half.

may need to use a folded paper towel, piece of cardboard,
etc., to make the sandwich level. Just make sure the
support is not seen by the camera.

On Set with a Whole Sandwich

Here’s a list of supplies you will need on set: a sampling
of all sandwich components, tweezers, small cutting
board, 3-inch paring knife, small container for water
and oil with artist’s brushes for both, paper towels,
toothpicks and small wire cutters, the hero bread top
still in the protective bag/plate assembly, and a paper
plate holding several dampened paper towels.

TRICKS OF THE TRADE After all sandwich ingredients are
positioned with the exception of the top piece of bread, transport
the sandwich to set. Top the sandwich with a piece of stand-in bread
so you can determine if the sandwich is level. Building a whole
sandwich that is completely level to the camera can be diffi cult. By
using a stand-in bread top until the sandwich is level, you will ensure
that the hero bread is not damaged or exposed to air for too long.

Th e sandwich elements can be very uneven, and adjust-
ments may need to be made to level the sandwich before
you put the hero bread topper in place. If the top element
in the sandwich interior is something that is fl uff y and
nonrigid like lettuce, sprouts, or meat, then your chances
of achieving a level sandwich are better. However, if the
top element is a rigid item such as onion or pepper slices,
you may need to place a support within the sandwich to
make a level surface for the bread topper. A piece of the
same vegetable that is on the top of the sandwich struc-
ture would be my fi rst choice for a support; however, you

TRICKS OF THE TRADE Here are some techniques to help
protect the hero sandwich on set. When the hero bread is placed on
top of the sandwich, a damp paper towel should be placed over it.
Gently lay the towel on the bread, removing it only to adjust fi nal
lighting and to make captures or fi lm exposures. Spritz the paper
towel occasionally to help cool the air around the sandwich. This
helps to keep the components fresher appearing for a longer time.
If the top piece of bread starts to dry, it must be replaced with
another hero slice.

You will need to keep vegetable ingredients looking fresh
until fi nal capture or fi lm is exposed. Black olives will
need a light brushing of vegetable oil. Tomato slice edges,
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