Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1

For photography, two methods are commonly used to
achieve the actual cooking of meat from four-legged
creatures. Both methods will be described in this chapter,
along with guidelines to help you choose which method
will work best for you. If you are unsure about which
method to use, it would be wise to purchase meat for
testing purposes to practice techniques and to identify
the method that works best for the particular cut of meat
you’ve planned for your image.

Also, if any excess fat or rough or fl imsy edges need to be
removed, perform those tasks before cooking the meat.

Griddle Method of Cooking Meat for Photography

Preheat a fl at cooking surface that is large enough for
one cut of the hero meat to lay fl at on the cooking
surface. Th e griddle or skillet surface should reach 350º
to 375º Fahrenheit. Brush the cooking surface with oil.

NOTE If you are working with meat that has
bones, refer to the later section titled Styling Meat
with Bones for the Camera. The steps used to present slices
of cooked meat are included in the Slicing Hero Meat—
Exposing the Interior section.

SAFETY NOTE When handling raw meats and poultry I usually
wear vinyl or latex gloves. If you choose to wear gloves make certain
you are not sensitive to the type of glove you choose to wear.

Look at the meat to determine whether the overall shape
is appropriate for your particular shot. If you need to alter
the shape of the meat, it must be cut before it is cooked.

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