Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1

Depending on your shot, during prep time, you may need
to cut some of the vegetables. Use a sharp knife and a
cutting board. Follow safe knife handling techniques.
Depending on your specifi c project, you may have many
options for the shapes and sizes to cut. Consider the
overall look for the presentation you want to achieve.
And don’t be afraid to experiment with diff erent cuts for
the vegetables.

All vegetables have specifi c growth patterns that are fairly
predictable. Vegetables in the broccoli and caulifl ower
family, like the broccofl ower pictured here, have growth
patterns like that of fl owers on short stems. To cut vege-
tables in this family, you need to look at the individual
vegetable. Notice the shape of the fl owering heads, and
with a sharp knife, cut the stems according to the needs
for your shot. If you desire fl ower heads that are smaller
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