Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1

Before I go any further, I need to add that regardless of
whether you are using real or fake ice cream, styling ice
cream requires a lot of upper body strength. Th e process
of scooping and releasing numerous scoops from the
scooper is strenuous. After a day of scooping, my shoul-
ders, arms, hands, and back are sore, despite the fact that
I work out regularly.

Th e task of mixing fake ice cream is made easy if you use
a Cuisinart food processor. Place one container of pre-

mixed frosting purchased at the local grocery into the
processor. Start with a color of frosting that is in the same
color family as the desired fi nal outcome. For example,
use French vanilla fl avor frosting to make fake vanilla
ice cream, strawberry fl avor frosting for a pink-colored
fake ice cream, and chocolate fl avor frosting for chocolate
fake ice cream. Coloring in the form of paste food color-
ing is needed to create colors not found in premade
frosting. For example, for the green ice cream in our shot,
I used a cream cheese frosting and added a tiny amount
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