Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1


When selecting an area of cheesecake from which to
remove a hero slice, the top cheesecake surface is actually
the most important element to consider. Look for a piece
with a smooth top without divots, color imperfections,
or bumps. Be extremely careful not to touch the top
surface of the cheesecake hero with fi ngers or tools. Th e
top surface is easily marked by fi ngerprints and can be
diffi cult to repair.

I use two 10-inch chef ’s knives to cut cheesecake. Th is
process is easier if you have an assistant. Select a cheese-
cake having a hero area of surface as well as a hero exte-
rior crust from which to remove a hero slice. Place the
cheesecake on a solid surface so it is 6 inches away from
the edge of the table. Hold one of the knives over the
surface of the cake, with the handle of the knife raised
to a 45º angle to the surface of the cake. Th e fi rst knife
will be used to create the right side of the hero slice; the
second knife will make the left side of the slice. Begin-
ning with the tip of the knife in the center of the cake,
push the tip of the blade through the cake until it touches
bottom. In a smooth downward stroke, push the back of
the knife completely through the cheesecake and crust.
Don’t move the knife and don’t pull it out of the cake.
Let go of the handle. Th e knife is now imbedded in the
cake along one side of the hero slice.

Now use the second knife to cut the other side of the
hero slice. Align the knife over the cake where the cut
will be made to create the size of piece needed for the
shot. Starting with the tip of the knife so it touches the
knife already placed in the cake, make the second cut by
using the same technique as the fi rst cut. Make sure the
tip of the knife goes all the way through the cake and
crust before pushing the back of the blade through the
cake and crust. Now you have two knives in the cake with
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