Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1


both handles pointing toward you. Ask your assistant to
gently but fi rmly hold the back side of the cake, keeping
all fi ngers away from the knives. With even pressure on
the knives, you will pull the knives toward you. Th e slice
of cake will drag away from the whole cake. Read the
next step for the technique to remove the knives from
the slice.

need to choose a new hero slice. Using a wooden skewer
and a piece of non-hero cheesecake for extra cheesecake
material, you can make repairs and add small areas of
rougher texture to the cut surface of the hero slice if
desired. Hold the wooden skewer parallel with the cut
surface of a non-hero piece of cheesecake. Pick up a small
amount of cheesecake from the non-hero slice on the end
of the wood skewer. Apply the small texture piece to the
hero slice in a predetermined location.

TRICKS OF THE TRADE The way you remove the knives from
the slice or cut cake is extremely important for the creation of
cheesecake texture. Begin with the knife on one side of the slice.
Keep the bottom sharp edge of the knife in place. Gently pull the top
edge of that knife away from the slice in a motion that will lay the
knife fl at on the cutting surface with the sharp edge still next to the
cake. Remove the knife. Repeat this process for the knife on the other
side of the slice. This technique is one that I fi nd most likely to result
in good texture on a cheesecake slice. Cut slices until you have one
of hero status.

Once you have selected the hero, if it’s necessary to fi ll
holes or correct texture in specifi c areas, you can work
texture into small areas on the cut surfaces that the
camera will see. As you work the cut surface, stay away
from the edge of the top of the cheesecake. I normally
don’t get closer than 1/4 inch to the top if possible,
because the edge can break away. If this happens, you will
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