Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1


easily to the plate. Continue building the eggs to achieve
desired height and shape. If there are holes in the egg
build that need to be fi lled, use tweezers to place indi-
vidual egg curds in these areas. Place the bacon on the
plate after the egg build is completed.

is important. Some techniques, like bubbles in coff ee and
on bacon, and glisten added to eggs, do not last very long.
So these will need to be completed last. You can start by
adding the jam or jelly to the cut biscuit. I built some
height in the jam in our shot so light could play across
the surface for visual interest while conveying freshness.

Th e undulations in the length of the bacon create peaks
and valleys. Th ese areas are treated diff erently by the food
stylist. With an artist’s brush dipped in corn syrup that

TRICKS OF THE TRADE A word of caution: Try to avoid fi lling
in all holes and shallow places, because the scrambled eggs will look
too formed and will lose the interest created by some variations of
height and depth.

On Set

Before you go to set, make sure your set tray has every-
thing you will need. Your set tray should include samples
of all food elements on the hero plate; a cup with bubble
liquid for coff ee, a cup with bubble liquid for bacon
foam (see below), along with separate dispensers for
each; glass cleaner; cotton-tipped swabs; paper towels;
a small container of clear corn syrup; a syringe; an art-
ist’s brush; and tweezers.

When the plate is on the set, it is time to check the posi-
tions of all elements on the plate. Make any necessary
corrections before proceeding. Th ere are several tech-
niques to apply before fi nal photography of these specifi c
breakfast foods. Th e order of performing these techniques
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