Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1

An interesting use for zest is to combine it with other
ingredients to create a garnish. Traditional combinations
of herbs often include lemon or orange zest like the
Italian gremolata depicted here. Th e combination of
lemon zest, garlic, and fl at leaf parsley chopped together
is the garnish I chose to use on the pasta shot in this
book (see Chapter 5).

Often, when a citrus fruit is cut into a wedge shape, the
whitish membrane that runs through the center of the

fruit can create an unwanted appearance on the narrow
edge of the wedge. Th e best way I have found to deal
with this situation is to cut away the membrane with
fi ne-tipped sharp scissors. I use fi sherman’s fl y-tying scis-
sors. Th e same scissors can be used to snip away ends of
wedges not appearing straight to the camera.

Be Picky with Herb Garnishes

When snipped herbs are used as a garnish or element
in a dish, the best way to get hero quality shapes and
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