Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1


pieces is to cut the herbs with sharp scissors. Because
small quantities of items are used for garnishing, and
since they are usually a strong interest element in pho-
tography, you want to start with beautiful examples of
the specifi c herbs you choose to use. Due to the tender
nature of herbs, chopping with a knife can often bruise
them. If camera focus is sharp where the herbs will be
placed, the bruising will show. Scissors help to reduce
the appearance of bruising. Again, the herbs should be
snipped immediately before they go to set as a garnish.
When I cut cilantro or parsley with scissors, I usually
cut the interesting outer edges of each leaf. Th is gives a
pleasing shape to the individual pieces and makes the
garnish identifi able.

Once herbs are snipped, they are extremely tender. If you
try to pick them up with your fi ngertips, they will crush
together, sticking in a clump. Th ey will also bruise. Th e
best way I’ve found to distribute them onto the hero food
is to slide a small spatula under them and to tap the
spatula with my fi nger or another spatula to shake them
off. If you hold the spatula directly over where you want
to place them, the pieces will fall in a random pattern
most pleasing for a sprinkled appearance. If any of the
fl akes or herb pieces land where you don’t want them to
reside for fi nal photography, remove them with
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