Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1


reached around the vegetable roll, the ends of the tape
will stick together if still dry and will stay together in
the ice water. Plunge the taped roll into an ice water bath
for at least 15 minutes. Th ese taped rolls will last most
of the day until needed on set. You will need to keep ice
present in the bowl. Note that carrots will bleed a little
color into the water if left for over an hour. When you
are ready to place the vegetables on set, carefully remove
the tape and the vegetable roll will unwind slowly. Th ey
don’t last long on set, so have alternate heroes waiting
in the bowl of ice water with tape still in place.

Tame and Revive Strawberry and Tomato Tops

Th is wonderful trick works on strawberry tops and on
tomato tops. Cut a square of paper towel that is just the
right size to cover the green top of the fruit. If the fruit
has a stem, cut a slit from the outside edge of the paper
towel square into the center to make room for the stem
to extend out of the paper towel topper. Wet the paper
towel. Holding the green top of the vegetable down in
place with your fi ngers, lay the wet paper towel over the
green top. It’s sometimes necessary to use a piece of
plastic wrap to wrap around tomatoes to hold the paper
towel and greens in place. Th e plastic wrap also forces the
top to lay fl atter and in a preferred position on tomatoes.
Th e fruit tops will both perk up and hold the shape you

have given them after about 1 hour, so prep them with
this technique early on shoot day. Keep the paper towel
damp and they will hold a few hours while waiting to go
to set. If the fruit is not wrapped with plastic wrap, it will
be necessary to spritz the paper towel regularly with
water to keep it moist until the fruit is needed on set.

Sauce a Plate

Applicator bottles have a variety of uses in food styling.
Th ey are perfect to apply sauces to food on set. Th e tips
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