Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1


After all of the hard work of designing a food shot,
shopping for that perfect “strawberry” to shoot, styling
the food items, and lighting the shot for the master-
piece you hope to create, other aspects must still be
considered to produce an image that will make viewers
or clients want to taste or buy or, even better, pay you
for your eff orts. If you have not taken steps prior to
shooting, during shooting, and then after shooting to
handle the fi les correctly to match output for print or
the Web, you and your client might not be satisfi ed with
the fi nal results.

Th e following is in no way inclusive of all of the steps
one needs to take to ensure a successful result when
shooting food and processing fi les. After all, there are
entire books dedicated to these subjects. Rather this is a
brief explanation of how the fi les for this book were
handled, including the steps taken prior to shooting, and
how the fi les were handled to prepare them for print.

Th e major aspect to strive for is COLOR! Correct color.
Accurate color that can be reproduced from the product
itself, to the camera, to your monitor, and to your printer

or printing press is the goal. No one wants to eat or pay
for green eggs, gray meat, or blue bananas.

Th e fi rst step is to make sure your monitor is calibrated.
Th is will help ensure that your images are displayed cor-
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