Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1


rectly on your monitor with the correct brightness, color,
and without unwanted color casts. You are looking for a
neutralized gray. Th e hardware calibration system used
for our monitors is the X-RITE Eye-One Display 2
professional monitor calibration system. I used the
D65/6500 K setting for the white point with a gamma
of 2.2. Th is is the minimum to produce accurate color
prior to shooting food.

While on set, after the lighting is just the way you want
on the subject, place a gray card or color-swatch chart
such as the GretagMacbeth Mini ColorChecker in the
center of the shot. Most camera software packages have
ways to fi nd a neutral gray; the usual way is with an
eyedropper symbol somewhere on the gray area of the
card that you click. One click and those blue bananas
turn to the wonderful soft yellow that tell us that is the
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