Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1

correct color for a banana. In our case the large bowl with
the wooden spoon had a bluish cast to it.

Place the gray card in the shot, expose the shot, use the
eyedropper symbol, click, and presto we have an accurate
image of a greenish bowl with a golden spoon. Th e shot
becomes warm and inviting instead of a cold hard shot
with a bluish cast. It is that simple!

All of the images for this book were shot in a 16-bit
RAW format. Th e 16-bit fi les were processed into 16-bit
TIFFS and edited in Adobe Photoshop. All digital
images should be evaluated for digital noise as the fi rst
step after processing. Each image was viewed separately
and utilizing the Nik software, Dfi ne 2.0, the noise was
reduced. Th e next step each image went through was
“cleaning up the trash.” Th is is the process of removing
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