Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1


that the light does not hit the background behind the
focal point, causing the background to darken increas-
ingly behind the focal point.

Fill card: Usually a white or silver card of varying size
positioned to refl ect light from a light source onto a
photography set.

Fill light: A light used to eliminate or soften shadows
caused by the main source of illumination.

Fill line: Th e top of a liquid within a specifi c

Final capture: A saved photographic representation of
the ultimate goal of a specifi c photography assignment
in a digital medium.

Final image: A saved image representing the ultimate
goal of a specifi c photography assignment in any photo-
graphic medium.

Focal point: Th e center of attention in a photographic

Food shoot: A photographic assignment or session
involving food as a subject.

Food stylist: A designer and consultant who specializes
in food presentations for commercial photography. (Th ere
are several kinds of stylists with expertise in specifi c fi elds

in commercial photography; however, because this book
is about styling food, the term food stylist is used inter-
changeably with stylist.)
Go-bys: See tear sheets.

Hero: An ideal representation of a specifi c item.
Hero process: A systematic series of actions directed
toward fi nding the ideal representation of a food element
for photographic purposes.
Highlight: A small area of intense light to emphasize
shape or form.
Image: Th e result from photographic endeavors in fi lm,
digital, or video media.
Knuckle: A specialized metal clamp with segments that
tighten independently, enabling it to hold more than one
object at a time.

Non-hero: A representation of a specifi c item used to
stand in place of a hero item on a photographic set during
the preliminary stages of photography.
Out of crop or off -camera: Occurring as part of the
actual fi lm but outside the range of view selected to show
the spectator.
Overhead shot: A photographic image or project
that places the camera directly, or almost directly, above
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