Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1


photographer’s comments, 197
recipe for moist cake, 187
showing cut cake to camera, 187,
supplies, 196–197
using pastry bags for fi lling/frosting, 192,
whole fake cakes, 186–187
calibrating monitors, 233–234
cameras. See also photographer’s comments
camera front, 3, 237
look at set from camera level, 3
cameras, on set
beef fi let set, 126
breakfast set, 216
dish set, 25
fi sh set, 146
fruit salad set, 71
green salad set, 64
half sandwich set, 112
hamburger set, 101
ice cream cone set, 178
ice cream dish set, 183
iced tea set, 44
lemon cake set, 197
margarita set, 52
pasta set, 82
potato salad set, 84
red beverage set, 45
rib set, 132
roasted turkey set, 140
skirt steak set, 125
steamed vegetable plate set, 158
stylist kit set, 13
white wine set, 33
capture, 24, 41, 237
caramelized vegetables, 160, 162

carbonated beverages, 29
Cardinal International, 10
curls for garnishes, 228–230
prepping, 60, 151–152
caulifl ower, prepping, 153–154
for burgers, 98
for sandwiches, 104
cheesecakes, 198–203
basics, 198–199
cutting, 200, 202
supplies, 203
touch-ups for hero slice, 202–203
chicken. See poultry
citrus garnishes, 222–225
cleaning cutting boards, 151
clear corn syrup
condensation technique, 33–35
supplies, 11
clients, 2, 237
coff ee, 210, 215
cold beverages
adding liquid to hero glass, 39–40
bubbles, making and placing, 40–42
carbonated drinks, 29
color matching technique, 46–48
condensation technique, 33–35
eff ects for photographs, 28
frosted glass technique, 29–33
handling/moving treated glass, 36
ice cubes, acrylic, 36–39
margaritas/slushy drinks, 46–52
milk and cream, 29
protecting set while opening/pouring,
29, 40
real vs. substitution liquids, 29

removing liquid from hero glass, 42, 44
sets and photographer’s comments, 33,
44, 45
stand-ins, 28
supplies for, 42, 44, 51
wines, 29
correct, for photos, 233–235
matching technique, for liquids, 46–48
selections for set elements, 20–21
coloring technique
fake ice cream, 169
hamburgers, 95–97
meat, 121–123
poultry, 137–138
complimentary colors, 20
condensation technique, 33–35
on set adjustments, 39
spot cleaning glassware, 36
supplies, 35
condiments, hamburger, 100
confectioner’s sugar, ingredient for fake ice
cream, 168–172
containers for liquids, 10
cookies, 204–206
breaking, 207
stack building technique, 204, 206
supplies, 206
cooking photo food
bacon, 211
braising thicker cuts of meat, 125,
burger patties, 94–95
cake, 187
eggs, scrambled, 212–213
eggs, sunny-side-up, 216–217
fi sh, 144–145
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