Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1


supplies, 51
using Soil Moist granules for slush eff ect,
Fruit Fresh Produce Protector
for fruit, 65–66, 68, 69
for greens, 58–59
fruit salads, 65–71
banana storage/handling, 65
building and taking to set, 68–69
dressing on, 69
fruit prep techniques, 65–68
photographer’s comments, 71
stand-ins, 65
supplies, 69–70
using Fruit Fresh Produce Protector, 65–66,
68, 69
using instant mashed potato mixture,
fryers, 11
garnishes, 222–232
applying sauce to plate, 230–231
citrus garnishing ideas, 222–225
curls, in ice water, 228–230
dandelion onion, 227–228
deep frying, 231–232
fl attening/reviving tops of strawberries/
tomatos, 230
guidelines, 22
snipped herbs, 225–226
supplies, 232
gelatin, 11
Gemini Bowls, 10
glass cleaners, 11
condensation technique on, 33–35

frosted glass technique on, 29–33
table setting, 21–22
for ice cream melt, 176
for milk substitute, 29
green salads, 56–64
applying herbs and spices, 61–62
building and taking to set, 62–63
dressing on, 62
fi nal touch-ups, 63
keeping greens fresh, 58–60
misting greens, 61, 63
photographer’s comments, 64
selecting ingredients, 56
shopping/handling techniques for produce,
supplies, 63
support techniques, 60–61, 62–63
temperature/refrigeration control, 58
using Fruit Fresh Produce Protector,
GretagMacbeth Mini ColorChecker, 234
griddles, 11
grill marks
on hamburger buns, 92
on meat, 119–120
on vegetables, 163
hamburgers, 88–101
adding color to patties, 95, 96–97
building hero burger, 95–99
bun, fi nding perfect, 8, 88–92
cheese, 98
condiments, 100
cooking patties, 94
fi nal touch-ups, 100–101

grill marks on buns, 92
lettuce arrangement, 96
photographer’s comments, 101
prepping burger patties, 93–95
prepping/storing burger toppings,
on set with hero burger, 100–101
storing heroes, 95
supplies, 101
tomato slices, 98–99
using electric charcoal lighter on buns, 92
using landscaping stone, 94
using torch on patties, 94
Hamilton Beach mixers/fryers, 11
hand tools, 9
Henckels knives/scissors, 9
herbs, snipped, 225–226
hero food, 3, 4, 6, 238
stand-ins, 4, 28, 49, 65, 92, 96, 119, 128,
134, 239
hero process, 6–8, 238
protecting hero food, 8
highlight, 132, 238
hoisin sauce, 95, 122
ice cream, 168–183
adding ruffl es to scoops, 174–175
applying melt, 176
barking, 171
bowl of, 180, 182
building cones on set, 172–175
fake, technique/ingredients for,
fi nal touches, 175–176
freezer space, 168
photographer’s comments, 178, 183
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