Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1

real, 168
shopping for, 168
supplies, 177, 183
ice cubes, fake
acrylic cubes, 36–39
using landscaping rehydrating product, 143
iced tea shot, 28–44
adding liquid to hero glass, 39–40
bubbles, making and placing, 40–42
building acrylic cubes/fruit in glass, 36–39
cold beverage eff ects, 28
condensation technique, 33–35
frosted glass technique, 29–33
moving treated hero glasses, 36
photographer’s comments, 44
removing liquid from hero glass, 42, 44
supplies, 42
image, defi ned, 238
insinuated atmosphere, 17
isopropyl alcohol, 12

JRM Chemical, 143

Karo, 11
kitchen scissors, 9
knife sharpeners/steel, 9
knives, 9
knuckle, 238
Krylon, 11

landscaping rehydrating product for fake ice
cubes, 143
landscaping stone for fl ameproof surface, 94,
119–120, 144

law, food advertising, 168
citrus garnishes, 222–225
wheels in iced tea, 36–39
lettuce. See also green salads
for burgers, 92–93, 96
for sandwiches, 104
basic, defi ned, 237
color selection, 20–21
for sets. See photographer’s comments
lime (citrus) garnishes, 222–225
liquids, techniques for
adding to hero glass, 29, 39–40
protecting set while opening/pouring, 3–4,
29, 40
removing from hero glass, 42, 44
margaritas. See frozen margaritas
mashed potato support for fruit salad,
meat, 116–128
basics, 116–117
with bones, 129–131
braising thicker cuts of meat, 125, 128
building slices, 123
coloring, 121–123
fi nal touch-ups, 123
food additions for pasta, 77
griddle method of cooking, 117–119
grill marks, 119–120
hamburgers. See hamburgers
photographer’s comments, 125, 126,
sandwiches. See sandwiches
sauces, 122

shopping for, 116
slicing to expose interior, 120–121
storing cooked, 118
supplies, 126, 131
using landscaping stone, 119–120
using torch for browning, 119
melon balls, 68
Messermeister knives/scissors, 9
mixers, 10–11
monitor calibration, 233–234
moving treated glasses, 36
Nik software, 235–236
non-hero, 4, 238
off -camera, 24, 238
onion, dandelion, 227–228
orange (citrus) garnishes, 222–225
out of crop, 24, 238
overhead shot, 158, 238–240
OXO Good Grip hand tools, 9
paint supplies, 11
painting techniques
dulling spray, 29–33
fried food, 231
green salad support, 61
pasta support, 78
paper towels, 11
pasta, 74–82
building technique, 77–80
cooking techniques, 74–75
food additions, 77
photographer’s comments, 82
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