Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1

drip cleanup, 79
garnishing plates, 230–231
for meat, 122
for pasta, 76–77
for ribs, 130
scissors, 9
Scotch-Brite scrubbers, 11
selective focus, 25, 239
separation, 18, 239
set tray, 239
sets/settings, 18–25
beef fi let set, 126
breakfast set, 216
color and lighting, 20–21
dish set, 25
double-checking before fi nal shot,
fabrics, working on set, 22–24
fi sh set, 146
fruit salad set, 71
green salad set, 64
half sandwich set, 112
hamburger set, 101
ice cream cone set, 178
ice cream dish set, 183
iced tea set, 44
insinuated atmosphere, 17
lemon cake set, 197
look at set from camera level, 3
making food pop, 18
margarita set, 52
pasta set, 82
photographer’s comments, 25
potato salad set, 84
protecting when opening containers or
pouring liquids, 3–4, 29, 40

red beverage set, 45
rib set, 132
roasted turkey set, 140
set, defi ned, 239
skirt steak set, 125
steamed vegetable plate set, 158
stylist kit set, 13
supplies for dish shot, 24
surfaces, 239–240
table setting tips, 21–22
telling a story, 16–18
visual weight of food, 18
white wine set, 33
shoot. See photo shoots
shopping for photo shoots, 6. See also specifi c
shot, defi ned, 239
siphoning liquid from hero glass, 42, 44
skewers, 9
making grill marks using, 120, 163
skirt steaks. See steaks
slushy drinks, 46–52
color matching technique, 46–48
moving margaritas onto set, 49–51
photographer’s comments, 52
salted glass rims, 49
supplies, 51
using Soil Moist granules for slush eff ect,
snipped herbs, 225–226
Soil Moist granules for slush eff ect, 48–49
spatulas, 9
sponges/scour pads, 11
spot cleaning treated cold beverage glasses,
spray booths, 31–32
spritz bottles, 10

defi ned, 239
loose translations of hero, 4
using, 4, 28, 49, 65, 92, 96, 119, 128, 134
steaks, 116–125. See also meat
building slices, 123
coloring, 121–123
fi nal touch-ups, 123
griddle method of cooking, 117–119
grill marks, 119–120
meat basics, 116–117
photographer’s comments, 125
sauces, 122
shopping for, 116
slicing to expose interior, 120–121
storing cooked, 118
supplies, 123
using landscaping stone, 119–120
using torch for browning, 119
steamers, 10
cooking fi sh, 144
cooking vegetables, 155–156
shaping burger cheese, 98
storage techniques
fake ice cream, 171
fruits, 65–66, 68, 69
hamburger buns, 90, 92
hamburger toppings, 92–93
hamburgers, cooked, 95
meat, cooked, 118, 128
pasta, cooked, 75–76
poultry, 137
salad ingredients, 58–60
sandwich bread, 102, 109
sandwich ingredients, 102, 104
treated glassware, 30
vegetables, 156
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