Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1

damaging the table underneath. It will also help contrib-
ute to any slight ridges for textural interest should you
choose to make them. But regardless of whether you
choose a fl at or manipulated surface, the felt will lend a
richer quality to the hero fabric set covering.

With the felt laid smoothly over the shooting surface,
you can proceed to cover it with the hero fabric covering
you’ve chosen. If the specifi c fabric responds well to
moisture, you can spritz the fabric with water and iron it

smooth on the set. Th is technique is especially good on
fabrics with cotton and linen content. You will need an
additional tabletop surface on which to lay napkins and
other smaller fabric items after they’ve been ironed. Once
napkins are ironed, I like to keep them fl at until they are
folded and placed on the set. Use a stand-in to determine
the style of folding and placement of the napkin in your
shot. Fabric that is used as a background in a sweep or
backdrop can be steamed as it hangs in place on a hori-
zontal bar on the set.
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