Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1

mix of corn syrup to water depends on the particular
sprayer you use. However, the mixture is approximately
three parts clear corn syrup to one part warm water.
You’ll want to practice spraying the mixture onto a piece
of cardboard or a non-hero glass. It may take a couple
sprays in one area before drops form. If your mixture is
spraying out of the bottle in a solid stream you may still
get a good eff ect when the liquid forms into drops on
the glass. However, if it’s too disconcerting or not
working as you wish, thin the mixture with a tiny bit
more water.

When you are ready to spray the hero glass, put the heavy
paper or cardboard on the top of the glass as described
in the frosted glass technique. Spray from a distance of
8 to 10 inches using a vertical stroke this time, moving
from top to bottom of the glass. Less spray is better at
fi rst until you see how the drops accumulate on the glass.
Some of the drops will combine to make larger drops and
drips within a minute of spraying, so allow a little time
for the mixture to move before you continue to spray the

Carefully turn the glass to achieve spray coverage on all
exposed surfaces of the glass. Once you’re satisfi ed with
the drop eff ects, let the spray on the glass settle for one
hour. You will defi nitely need to remove the glass from

the brown bag booth after one hour to prevent the bag
from sticking to the glass due to the stickiness of the
corn syrup. Move the glass to a safe predetermined place.
A prep surface or small acrylic cutting board works well
for this purpose.
Once the glass treatments are completed, the next step
is to remove the black tape. Again, using the fi ngers
of one hand inside the paper towel within the glass
to keep it steady, carefully remove the tape by pulling
the tabs you made when you applied the tape. If
applicable, also remove any tape and paper towels
from the foot or stem. Look at the glass from all
sides to determine camera front. Finally, remove the
paper towel from inside the glass. If time permits, I
allow the treated glass to dry overnight before fi nal

Supplies needed to complete a glass with condensation
eff ects:

● One hero glass treated with frosting eff ects
● Karo corn syrup, clear
● Cotton-tipped swabs
● Small spritz spray bottle
● Windex glass cleaner
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