Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1


Slushy Drinks: Th e Magic Frozen Margarita

Pour four cups of Glacéau Vitaminwater Tropical Citrus
sport drink into a large clear glass container. Your task is
to closely match the color to the margarita mix. I usually
remove the label from the margarita mix bottle for a
better visual of the color. Th e sport drink will need a little
green coloring added to it. With a toothpick or skewer
tip, pick up just a touch, not even a drop, of liquid green
food coloring and stir it into the sport drink. A little
green food coloring makes big changes, so go slow. To
better match the margarita mix, I chose to add a hint of

SAFETY NOTE This method of creating a slushy drink is for
photography purposes only. The mixture is not for consumption!

I remember years ago renting a margarita machine for a
photo shoot. It took a couple hours for the machine to chill
the mix to the perfect slushy consistency. Both the photog-
rapher and I had to be completely ready for the hero. He
had to have the lighting perfected and I had to have numer-
ous glasses prepped because the photo life of the slushy
mixture was less than 2 minutes, even though the building
air conditioner had chilled the room to a point where the
crew members were all wearing sweaters!

With new technology a very realistic fake slushy frozen
margarita can be made for the camera. With the right
supplies and tools the process is quick and simple and
produces great results. Th e photo life of the hero mixture
will be about fi ve times longer than that of a frozen mix.

TRICKS OF THE TRADE Use the margarita mix you purchased
for color matching only. The high acid and sugar content of some
margarita mixes interferes with the Soil Moist granules’ absorbent
qualities. For these same reasons you’ll want to avoid using sport
drinks that have a higher acid or sugar content.
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