Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1


6 cups of cool water and the recommended amount of
Fruit Fresh Produce Protector in a bowl. I prefer using
separate bowls for each type of fruit. When you start
peeling and cutting the fruit, you will want to work safely
but quickly. First remove any unwanted peel from the
fruit. Give the peeled fruit a quick dip in the water bath.
Th en cut the fruit into desired shapes and immediately
immerse the pieces in the water bath again. Lay the
individual cut pieces on a plastic tray and lightly cover
the tray with plastic wrap. Th is method will give you

quick visuals of all the fruit when building the hero salad.
When all the fruits for your salad are cut, start to build
the hero fruit salad.

TRICKS OF THE TRADE Because of the fragile nature of most
fruits, especially after being peeled and cut, you will need to handle
the fruit very tenderly. To remove fruit pieces from the water bath I
usually use my hands with fi ngers held slightly apart for drainage
rather than a kitchen implement that might bruise the fruit.
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